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OXFORDSHIRE is a surprisingly rural county of peaceful pastures, and small towns and villages, dominated by the broad flat sweep of the Thames valley, and the river itself rolling along through water-
The Watery Blue stripe of the Thames flows through the Fresh Green of the rolling countryside, and then through Oxford, with the Dark Blue of the university and the Oxford Grey of the city streets and the shadowy courts and ancient alleys, and for the long-
… At the city centre is the Brown of the oxen fording the Saxon Thames, and across the county lies the Red and Yellow of the de Vere family, for 500 years Earls of Oxford. Down through the ages pours the Silvery waters of the healing well of St Frideswide, Oxford's patron saint.
We weave our Oxfordshire Check Lambswool Merino scarves with pride, and we trust you will enjoy yours for years to come -
A matching Oxfordshire THROW is
also available HERE